Month: April 2009

Blackberry Enterprise Server on Domino 8.0.2 stops delivering emails to handheld all of a sudden

Symptom : Users are not receiving emails to their blackberry handheld. After a reboot of the whole server including the OS, everything works as normal. After several hours have passed or sometimes days, users complained that they stopped receiving emails

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C++/CLIでNotes C APIを使用する設定

Notes C API を C++/CLI から使う方法を書いたものがインターネット上に見当たらなかったので書いてみました。 以下の設定はVisual Studio 2005 Standard Edition (英語バージョン)を使っています。 New Projectからプロジェクトを作成したあと、[Project] – [Properties]からプロパティを開きます。 左のナビゲーションから [Configuration Properties] – [General] を開く。Dynamic Library(.dll) と Common Language Runtime Support (/clr) を設定。 プロパティから [C/C++] – [General]を開きます。[Additional Include Directories]に Notes C API include

How to configure Notes C API with C++/CLI on Visual Studio

I wrote this article since there are little information about how to use Notes C API on C++/CLI with CLR. Below is the settings to configure the DLL project with using Notes C API on C++/CLI. I am using Visual

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