Designing a Desktop Policy form to set Location parameters

Desktop Policy settings document can be used for domino administrator to configure and enforce the user location document in Notes Client.

However as the default desktop policy settings document, it does not allow to pass down the all location document’s fields.

For example, “Recipient name type-ahead” field of location document cannot be configured in the default desktop policy settings document.

In that case,  There is sill the way to add the desired parameters into the default desktop policy settings document by editing server names.nsf with lotus designer.

Below is the information regarding desktop policy and location parameters.

You can use Desktop Policy settings documents to set field value in users' current Location documents.This can be done by adding a new field to the policy settings document using the Domino Designer. The new field must be named LocAllVariableName, where VariableName is the name of the field you are setting in the Location documents.

Original source: IBM – Using a Desktop Policy to set notes.ini and Location parameters.

Here is the step by step example for adding “Recipient name type-ahead”  into Desktop Policy settings document.

  1. Open server names.nsf from Lotus Designer.
  2. Open PolicyDesktop form from form list view.
  3. Click Mail tab, and then create “LocAllNameLookupPref” field in anywhere you want.デスクトップポリシー設定文書の変更例
  4. Save the form. and then close Lotus Designer.
  5. Open Domino Administrator, and then open Desktop Policy settings document. If you don’t have any Desktop Policy settings document, create it.
  6. If you click Mail tab, then you should be able to see the field which you created. Put value 0 or 1 or 2.
  7. Save Desktop Policy settings document.
  8. Test by the user who this Desktop Policy is assigned. This new value is set on the assigned users’ clients the next time they authenticate with their home server.
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